This page last updated on December 16, 2014
Radoha only focuses on producing kefir and other kefir products such as soap and soup. It is not found in every supermarket. Radoha is also more expensive than other kefir brands but this is a result of their using real kefir grains instead of kefir cultures. They only have plain kefir which is produced from two different types of milk. One type is cow’s milk the other is goat’s.
[price_table title=”Radoha Kefir cow’s milk” price=”7 TL” button=”No shipping outside of Turkey” url=”#”] [pt_item]Calories: 57.1[/pt_item] [pt_item]Calcium: 120 mg[/pt_item] [pt_item]Protein: 3.1 g[/pt_item] [pt_item]Fat: 2.9 g[/pt_item] [/price_table] [price_table title=”Radoha Kefir goat’s milk” price=”9 TL” button=”No shipping outside of Turkey” url=”#”] [pt_item]Calories: 60.9[/pt_item] [pt_item]Calcium: 154 mg[/pt_item] [pt_item]Protein: 3.8 g[/pt_item] [pt_item]Fat: 3.9 g[/pt_item] [/price_table]
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